Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Rainbow

Spotting any rainbow usually stops me in my tracks, but this one took my breath away. It was very early one morning when I stepped out onto my balcony, saw the rainbow descending on El Cristo del Picacho, and quickly snapped this before it faded away. Everyone in my house was still asleep, and I'm pretty sure I was the only one who saw it. 

One of the most popular tourist attractions in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, is the statue of Christ at the top of the barren, deforested mountain, El Picacho, that overlooks the twin cities of 'Tegus' and Comayagüela. The statue is enormous, although it looks like just a speck in this photo. Christ's arms are outstretched, beckoning the inhabitants of 'Tegus' to look up and get a different perspective-- a calmer, gentler, more loving perspective, perhaps. Unfortunately,Tegus happens to be one of the most congested, poverty-stricken, and crime-ridden cities anywhere in the world.

However, at night, the darkness hides the slums and the blight, and the lights of the city twinkle on the mountainside. The Christ is lit up and can be seen for miles. We would often lean over that same balcony at nighttime and marvel at how peaceful it all looked, defying the harsh realities of the daytime chaos.

What surprised me up to the very end of my time living in Honduras was the contrast between so much violence and so great faith. Many of the citizens of Honduras live 'close to the edge' of life and death--they die of diseases that are uncommon in the 'first world'--dengue, cholera, dysentery, typhoid; or, they get run over by a bus as they walk along the sides of congested thoroughfares; or they get kidnapped or killed by a gang of thugs over a petty theft of a cellphone.

Yet their faith in God is not just refreshingly honest and sincere, it is downright inspiring. No separation of church and state here--people openly pray, even at public meetings, and take it for granted that you believe in God. Even their speech reflects their basic belief--most people when planning a future event, finish it off with, "Si Dios quiere"--God willing. Even "Adios!" means "Go with God". When my husband tragically passed away in a terrible plane crash just under the Christ's gaze several years ago, I was comforted and calmed amidst the chaos by countless mourners who whispered Bible verses into my ear, one after another.

El Cristo del Picacho represents hope for this life here on earth and for the life beyond. The rainbow confirms it. God has not left us alone, but has reached down and touches our lives in ways we cannot even dream possible. Even in the midst of the chaos, violence, and poverty of our souls, God promises a peace that will calm us and comfort us and give a new perspective.

All we need to do is look up and see it. And, when we do, it will take our breath away.

"Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”  Genesis 9:16

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Casa de Luz
marcela and dyana