But I think at some point, everyone looks up at the stars and sees the universe. Or what can be seen of the universe with our naked eyes from this vantage point, earth. And we feel...small. tiny. infinitesimal.
For me it first happened when I was on vacation with my best friend from high school, floating on a lake in upper Wisconsin in the middle of the night. (Ok, we were skinny-dipping, if you must know.) I was 'communing with nature', suddenly able to see millions upon millions of stars that are invisible in Chicago. And I felt small, even inconsequential compared to the awesome vastness of the skies.
When I began asking the big 'wh-' questions several years later in college, I had more questions than answers. Who am I? Why am I here? Who's in control of all of this? My spiritual journey had begun in earnest, and took me through world religion and art history classes, transcendental meditation, yoga, a Tibetan monastery, and the great art and cathedrals of Europe.
Soon after my return from Europe, on another star-studded night in central Illinois, I looked into the sky and blurted out a challenge to Whoever was out there: "If You are there, show me Who you are!" And the most surprising thing happened. He answered me.
It turns out, I'm NOT the center of the universe. But the paradox of the Christian faith, which is where He led me, is that God not only knows exactly where every star is, He knows where this tiny, infinitesimal speck in the universe is (me!). And He even knows my name.
Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding has no limit." Psalm 147: 4-5
GREAT article Marylin!! I participate in an Astronomy Master's program here in Honduras. I reposted this blog on FB. Well-written! God bless you!DEBBIE H
Good to hear from you and good luck in your class. Sounds interesting. un abrazo
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