Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Obvious

Obvious: easily perceived or understood.

Apparently, a stroller is not self-explanatory. One might suppose that the part in the front with the holes for little legs and the seatbelt might be the most logical place for a child, but according to the posted sign at the back of the stroller, (DO NOT PUT CHILD IN BAG), this is not obvious. Hence, the sign. Obviously.

I was chuckling to myself as I passed this scene at the mall, yet I wonder how often God looks down on His creation (say, like. . . me) and just shakes His head and thinks, "It's so obvious! How can I possibly make it any more easily understandable?"

We study the origins of the universe and declare that somehow a 'cosmic soup' formed, and according to the TV program, Nova, "after cooking for billions of years, the cosmic soup is rich enough and concentrated enough to form planets and people." Really.

People? I'm not a scientist, but just the anatomy of one organ, the eye, boggles my mind. How could it have evolved over billions of years, if every nerve, cell, and blood vessel had to have been to be in place at the same nano-second in order for it to 'see'? And what about the intricate balance of the animal and plant kingdom--so delicate that if we kill off even one species of pesky insect, the whole system is off-kilter? How does 'interdependency' fit into a 'survival of the fittest' evolutionary model? It's not so obvious to me.

No one would believe that the bits and pieces of a watch that had been lying on a table for hundreds or even thousands of years could arrange themselves in such a way as to just start ticking on their own and become a Rolex. It would take an intelligent being that had a plan and design in mind and knew about watchmaking in order to make it tick. Obviously.

But when it comes to believing that an intelligent Being created an orderly (and therefore, able-to-be-studied) universe, it's not so obvious. We look everywhere else, try anything else, believe anything else rather than see the obvious:

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1

Isn't it obvious?

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Casa de Luz

Casa de Luz
marcela and dyana