Thursday, September 1, 2011

Gray Hairs

It may not look like it, but there is a head of gray under all those highlights and lowlights. Actually, my stylist calls it 'salt and pepper', not gray. She is in no danger of losing her job. She's set for life, if my loyalty to her is any indication of the devotedness of the rest of her clients.

I have no idea how gray I really am, since I've never actually seen them. But I know I've earned every one of them. If stress turns hair white, then I've certainly had my share--I've lived through a revolution in Central America, an earthquake in California, a hurricane in Miami, a break-in to our home, theft of our car, several cross-country and cross-cultural moves, raising three kids (now, why would THAT cause any stress??), the empty nest, the loss of my sister, my husband, and recently, my father, not to mention the normal stresses of living in this modern, ever-changing, fast-paced world of ours.

Who wouldn't have a few gray hairs?

Figuring out how to confront and handle the inevitable stresses in our lives is not easy. Only my 97+ aunt is clueless as to what role stress plays in life. She can't even define it! The rest of us try to ignore it, cover it up, stuff it down, or take it out on someone else.

But I have found the best solution is to give it away to Someone big enough to handle it all for me: Someone who can hang the stars and the moon, keep the planets revolving around the sun and rotating on their axes, and still carry my burdens for me.

He promised. Gray hair and all.

"Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you." Isaiah 46:4-5


Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm not trying to minimize the importance of your message. It was very true- and you could have gone on to say how He know each and every hair on our head (Luke 12:7), but all I could think was G R E A T hair!!!

marilyn.brautigam said...

you are my spiritual mentor, Carol....see you later!

The Beck Family said...

Marilyn, of all my friends, you are solid as a rock! You have been through so much. It is true that He won't give us more than we can bear. He broke the mold when he made you!! Love and miss you dear friend.

marilyn.brautigam said...

Miss you too, Kim. There is only one Rock, thank God!

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Casa de Luz
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