Thursday, August 25, 2011


One of the most exotic fruits in the tropics is the 'lychee'. It's not much to look at-- the rind is bumpy and inedible, but the inside...ah, heaven.

It's hard to describe the sweet burst of juice that floods your mouth when you pry open the shell and pop it into your mouth. During the season, they are sold off the backs of trucks and vans all up and down Old Cutler Road. I buy them by the bag, pull off the road, and stuff them into my mouth, one by one, until I'm almost sick.

God beckons us to experience His grace and extravagant goodness. He tantalizes us with the beauty of the world He has created. He calls to us in a blazing sunset, the call of a whippoorwill at dawn, even a lychee. . .

"Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him." Psalm 34:8

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Casa de Luz

Casa de Luz
marcela and dyana